5Friends 1Fans
female Syracuse, UT, United States
I believe in ℓove at first sight. I believe in fashion trends. I believe in good ♫ + Louis Vuitton. I believe cupcakes are the best way to woman's ❤.
⚡aha says
13 years ago
I love all my vet tech classes. Hate Biology, retaking it as a refresher. Wishing I wasn't so honest with myself during registration now.
⚡aha says
13 years ago
Can't believe I forgot about plurk again. I want to use this more.
⚡aha shares
13 years ago
Is The Radiation Really from Fukushima?
⚡aha says
13 years ago
some parents need to realize that it's their fault their child behaves a certain way. You set the standard of what's acceptable.
⚡aha is
13 years ago 6
Oh how I've missed you plurk!