26Friends 29Fans
female Greentown, PA, United States
I'm really getting the hang of Plurk now and I'm loving it. I'm a huge Supernatural fan. One of my favorite things to do with my spare time is to talk to my invisible friends who have the same obsession in common.
britanyk says
14 years ago 7
Happy Supernatural Friday... Wow that still felt a little wierd writing that. (highfive)
britanyk says
14 years ago 11
just a drive by plurk to keep Karma up.
britanyk says
14 years ago 16
My weekends are way too busy! I can barley find the time or energy to catch up on SN chat and reviews. I'll pop in when I can of course.
britanyk wishes
14 years ago 10
it would stop raining for goodness sake!
britanyk says
14 years ago 7
:-& the hubs is home early with a sinus infection. He's watching Bloomburg TV. YUCK!!! to everything.
britanyk says
14 years ago 8
I battled the rain drops, did my grocery shopping, put the baby down for a nap and now I'm ready for a little me time. yay! (dance)
britanyk hates
14 years ago
Rainy Monday mornings. Oh well I'm gonna snuggle in and catch up on SN comentary for The End. Plurk Me Please!
britanyk says
14 years ago 6
Soccer tournaments in the morning,Birthday party in the afternoon. I was up way too early for a Saturday. I'm a bit tired now. Karma boost!
britanyk says
14 years ago 3
My stinkin' internet went down over the weekend. *kicks it* It's still giving me trouble. Just wanted to say thanks for all the b-day wishes
britanyk is
14 years ago 15
Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to mee-ee, Happy birthday to me! and to anyone else who has the same b-day