13Friends 19Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
16 years ago 1
It seems that I get plurked on occasion.
16 years ago
Testing… How do services like Ping cope when the password changes for the services they aggregate?
btn wishes
16 years ago
1Password would actually work on his iPhone so he could try Plurk Mobile.
btn wishes
16 years ago
plurkers a good night. :-))
btn is
16 years ago
gonna plurk up some people on Xbox (Gamertag: Nakamoto)…
btn thinks
16 years ago
plurk should learn how to word wrap.
btn is
16 years ago 1
amazed by how many plurkers are twittering etc. plurk invites to score plurk karma.
btn feels
16 years ago
retarded now that he just realized emoticons are optional per plurk. :-P
btn feels
16 years ago
like plurking now that he's eaten KFC. :-&
btn wishes
16 years ago
the 2009 Prius were available today. :-(