yihiKz..i wonder whats hAppenin' in schooL..niOrx.
hUsh hUSh wud i stiLL gO?
whEN dO u pLan to teLL me that?!x]
gLobe users: yxy nioq..haha. 09272510107! adik
woAh hOw nice..tsk3!. skit na ng uLoq..
upLoad upLoad..kain n keU!
wooh..saya mkifiesta sa tanza!..sya saya tLga kgbe ksma troPa..wuhaa..sa uuLitin guys..
owh goD..i can't come this sept.5..haha
can't wait to witness the UAAP Live 'AgaIn'!..weee...i'LL wait 4 it.. . n_n
here i come TAguig..weee^^