just given all of bf's grandmother's knitting patterns. Her knitting needles will follow shortly
having to call S to come pick her up from uni because she hurts too much to stay
ATT: Joints of Camee. Would you please notify me of partial dislocations before reducing yourselves while I'm trying to walk!
the life: a microfibre bathrobe, a glass of wine and some knitting
she just pulled a bamboo splinter from her left index finger, courtesy of some bamboo knitting needles
go home and do my assignment, or stop by the tea room for tea and readings?
that her stats sub lecturer appears to have forgotten to bring his teeth...
knitting a preemie hat. A friend gave birth at 29 weeks
had two partial dislocations of the right hip today. Getting over it just a tad
Professor just asked: what's that little creature in groundhog day?