so lucky for being 'skippy' at this time! ngubek2 tas, nemu sisa paketan gocap di dalem tasnya. lumayan bisa jadi 5 lin,yeess nyambung idup.
ada yg punya stok cimeng ga?
be a super hero,jd gw bs selamatin pesawat Sukhoi kmaren,negara2 konflik gw bikin damai,bd2 yg ketangkep,gw selametin narkobanya.
jaman SMP bgt ini pur B 217 AN.. N 93 WE
karma, fans, fungsinya apa? lupa gw.... hahahhahaaa
can read all of this Plurk is really fun! for sure!! lucu bgt baca kelakuan2 org2 sinting dsini. remembering the old bad things.
crazy worlds.. crazy people.. so,what still normal? who still sober? (am i? or already?)
recovery from the disaster, wake up from the nightmare, stay alive in paradise...
bisa baca twiter gw yg pertama kali. tapi ga bisa kayanya. but in here, at Plurk, i can read my 1st plurk.and it so funny to read it back.
do this sentence have the same meaning: "run to get HEAVEN" & "run away from HELL"?