10 case: 1-3153014555
name: Debra Johns [3043242905]
09 case: 1-3152713515
name: Carol Ann Carlo [4137437840] [4138224479]
08 case: 1-3152426297
name: Tom Huff [6107597094]
KBID: 11484 - Modify (change) a Memorized Report
06 case: 1-3152425372
name: Cherry Murphree [9365989743]
KBID: 8757 - Install Tax Table Updates Using the QB Disk Delivery Subscription
05 case: 1-3152031955
name: James Sharp [8656930770]
KBID: 8406 - Reference Connectivity Errors / 9025 - Configuring the Windows Firewall
vaLid caLLs [26-April-2010]
12 case: 1-3150758731
name: Mindi Liao [6266140909]
KBID: 11039 - Print W-2 Forms
08 case: 1-3150538770
name: Mary 6085882005
KBID: 8578 - Install Tax Table Updates Using the QuickBooks Payroll Disk Delivery Subscription
07 case: 1-3150538762
name: Teresa Puffer [2256449953]
KBID: 9985 - Set Up and/or Pay Sick or Vacation