1Friends 1Fans
male Santa Fe, NM, United States
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
Just set up my phone with the new updates :-) fairly happy with it
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
You know you need sleep when you start hearing things in Spanish
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
I keep seeing things :/ guess its cus I'm so tired
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
1 am thinking of calling it a night but we will see
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
Wow the TVs these days pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
Gonna go for walk soon and I may have a job interview in Santa few tomarrow cross your fingers
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
So third phone this week finially didn't break it
caseyofthecross says
13 years ago
Very sleepy , laying in bed think its time for more caffeine @ ping.fm/yj38B