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female Second life
Celebrity thinks
10 years ago 3
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10 years ago
If you're into LSL scripting, you may find this 2009 podcast with Babbage Linden interesting. He talks about using Mono runtime to implement LSL in Second Life. Episode 141: Second Life and Mono with Jim Purbrick : Software E...
Celebrity thinks
10 years ago 7
Ginny Talamasca would have loved all of the mesh feet and hands in SL these days. We had long conversations about how horrible the system feet look. Just popped into my head after seeing the full mesh av body
Celebrity wonders
10 years ago 9
is there still no competitor to Subscrib-o-matic??
Celebrity shares
10 years ago 1
Lots of new TLDs available today! .zombie, .coolstorybro, .whatevs, .uhuh, .selfie, and .porkchop. Get 'em now! Ow.ly - image uploaded by @Namecheap
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10 years ago 2
The Office Time Machine is so full of awesome.