90Friends 120Fans
female Surabaya, Indonesia
and I'm gonna miss you
Like a child misses her blanket
But I've got
to get a move on
in my life
It's time to be
A big girl now
and big girl don't cry
Chachoel says
11 years ago 1
Chachoel says
11 years ago
gak bisa pulang itu berasa
Chachoel says
11 years ago 4
semakin malas ngapa ngapain menjelang UAS -___-
Chachoel says
11 years ago
paling absurb emang
Chachoel says
11 years ago 3
scroll down and.. ZONK!!
Chachoel says
11 years ago
atur jadwal buat nonton (hungry)
Chachoel says
12 years ago
ketipu hari ini
Chachoel says
12 years ago 4
bersyukur sangat bersyukur
Chachoel says
12 years ago
Chachoel says
12 years ago
apa nih malah ditinggal main dota