so proud of all her Soca Monarchs. Competition is definitely interesting this year.
why they call it bake, if the shark is fried...and not baked.
trying to figure out her new phone. It's complicated...
[Event] is going to tease Francis about how much he's been sleeping around.
[Event] is out buying incense.
[Event] is tying off a few hex bags. Not to be used right away, but always good to have them in stock.
going to spend the rest of the day on the beach, and relax. She needed a break, things were too hectic.
been neglecting her bar. The elections means lots of...well, nation work. She needs a drink.
fucking hates her legal system right now, this is so unfair.
rubs her knuckles. Usually she doesn't get into fist fights with foreigners, but how dare they trash her education system BT