doggy beewee
11Friends 48Fans
male General Trias, Philippines
I'm just a simple Dog who likes to be at several places at the same time
doggy beewee is
14 years ago
at JAVA Class
doggy beewee is
14 years ago
back to the Plurking World!
doggy beewee says
15 years ago 1
Hello World :-D
doggy beewee says
15 years ago
fly me to Saturn :-D
doggy beewee says
15 years ago
I Love it Baby!
doggy beewee says
15 years ago
I think I'll try defying Gravity :-(
doggy beewee says
15 years ago
everywhere I look around, I'm surrounded by your embrace :-D
doggy beewee is
15 years ago
very very excited!!! I've always dreamed of going to Ireland, it will be my first time
doggy beewee is
15 years ago
on the way to the Airport! IRELAND HERE I COME!!!
doggy beewee says
15 years ago
Good NIght everyone :-)