75Friends 116Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Come visit my blog at
spinzer.us/ !
~christock~ is
11 years ago 10
https://images.plurk.com/1586-2vvZPawv8jnhdRsqXrw1mN.jpg so happy that everything worked out for him today <3 God bless everyone!
~christock~ is
11 years ago 7
determined to get his Karma back up at 100 grin
14 years ago 2
Shower Scene post.ly/17Rab
~christock~ wonders
14 years ago 12
how long has it been since he last logged in on Plurk. Heh.
14 years ago
Wheel of life post.ly/mewh
14 years ago 2
National Bars post.ly/ktnS
~christock~ wonders
14 years ago 9
how my Karma dropped to 0... but at least the badges still stay wahahah! (woot)
~christock~ wonders
15 years ago 4
how do other people still able to plurk or has my life changed tht much? 2.71 karma fml.
~christock~ feels
15 years ago 9
his Plurk is almost useless now. So how?
~christock~ wonders
15 years ago 2
how is he going to handle so many responsibilities at one time...