9Friends 11Fans
female Indonesia
each day is so slow and so hard
because no matter how hard i try to reveal my heart
you can't see it

i'm just resent the time that's gone by
no matter how much time changes, i'm always sad

one more time
even though it hurt, i should have lo
✿cinel says
14 years ago 7
shantiiii im cominggggg~
✿cinel says
15 years ago 1
dari 50 ke 5,9..akakak
✿cinel feels
15 years ago
✿cinel says
15 years ago
✿cinel says
15 years ago
pada dh jarang buka plurkk
✿cinel says
15 years ago
batik is truly indonesian (dance)
15 years ago
dh lama ga buka plurkk
15 years ago
alamak karma gw turun jauh sekaleee
15 years ago
wanna sleep
15 years ago
jakarta panas gila