Cindy Belinda R
1372Friends 267Fans
female Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Literature enthusiast. Trivia addict.
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 4 wkwkwkwkwk another day, same shit happens. ppl need to stop sindir menyindir dan langsung ngomong ke orangnya lol. sounds munafik? memang. bcs in my case they're so fucking holy they can't hear a mere dust like me so yeah why bother to tell them directly bcs of their fucking bloated ego 😌
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 11 wow ironic much; kzl deh bacanya 😌
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 2 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sindir terus mang, sendirinya ngatain "jangan nyindir" tapi kelakuan berkebalikan sama omongan uwu cukup tau udah 😌
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 1 Hampir lupa rasanya "punya teman" both IRL and online, apalagi di Plurk kayak gini huhu terharu
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 3
Mulai deh ini hawa-hawanya kena judge lagi soalnya bikin tweet tentang "nginep" di RS kemarin malem. Yaelah emang manusia kodratnya serba salah ye. Haters gon' hate; aing sih gak peduli cuma suka kzl aja kenapa masih pada ngurusin aing sih. Kalau emang merasa sempurna yasudah gak usah ngurusin hidup orang lain. You're not paying all of my bills so..
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 2 HELL YES
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 1 yadeh serah lu deh bambank emang gue selalu salah di mata lu. cuma lu yang perfect di dunia ini 😌
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 1 yaelah bro 2020 masih jaman aja nyindir orang
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago lol sorry for kept on ranting here but this is just hilarious like,,, do you have to actually "show" me that you care because i fucking know you don't??? here i give you another picture and i hope you mind your own business. thanks for acting like you care though 🙃
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 5 lmao i fucking know i still have unfinished business with this "lady" right here but to think that she shows it explicitly on her social media thinking that i'll read it (i did read it in the end) after she fucking unfollowed me on twitter just shows that she's (kinda) desperate for me to realise lmao