11Friends 8Fans
female orange city, Philippines
im so not into you..
im so into plurk :-))
cocojam asks
13 years ago
whats something new to do for this summer?
cocojam asks
13 years ago
whats new this summer?
cocojam says
13 years ago
cant sleep.. the whole in through...what makes me so anxious?
cocojam says
13 years ago
whats the point of talkin about the past if it doesnt have any future at all? ;-)
cocojam says
13 years ago
there are some memories that is so sweet to reminisce but nevertheless you will not choose to continue :-(
cocojam says
13 years ago
whats the point? :-o
cocojam says
13 years ago
when i love you before...i love your family as well...
cocojam says
13 years ago
fair enough :-)
cocojam says
13 years ago
and yesterday was the most fine tuesday ever! very satisfactorily quizzes and smooth laboraties :-)
cocojam says
14 years ago
there's actually something good in goodbyes ;-)