50Friends 35Fans
male Scottsdale, AZ, United States
Software engineer, SEO hound. I enjoy being with my son, golf, basketball, football, and motocross.

coffeejoost thinks
16 years ago 6
he will relax and watch some TV. Goodnight plurkers
coffeejoost feels
16 years ago 7
X-( Karma does not want you to have a life outside of Plurk.
coffeejoost says
16 years ago 1
1 hour until a cold brew and a dip in the pool.
coffeejoost says
16 years ago 1
coffeejoost asks
16 years ago 4
Is there a difference between friend and fan?
coffeejoost says
16 years ago
Gotta run. Back later.
coffeejoost shares
16 years ago
An unknown fatal exception has occurred
coffeejoost shares
16 years ago 2
Broke 40 Karma today. Stoked. (s_dance)
coffeejoost shares
16 years ago 2
Good morning plurkers. Woke up early.
coffeejoost shares
16 years ago
Have to go pick up my son. Plurk you later.