1Friends 0Fans
female Grosse Pointe, MI, United States
dancer, supernanny, paranoid psychopath, lifesaver mint addict, bad liar, juggles like no on else... haha (told you I was a bad liar), enjoys dumb blonde jokes and crossword puzzles, fan of JabbawocKeeZ, a bit obsessed with Travis Wall...
cupcake12 wonders
16 years ago
what idiot thought that bubblegum flavored fluoride would taste good, when, in actuality, it makes me want to vomit. :-&
cupcake12 says
16 years ago
more specifically, i love Travis
cupcake12 loves
16 years ago
gay guys :-P
cupcake12 has
16 years ago
just returned from dinner, and is now killing time before 7 o clock
cupcake12 hates
16 years ago
when the internet isn't working... it's so suckish! X-( but now it is working, so I guess it's not, well, suckish... ;-)
cupcake12 is
16 years ago
listening to Maroon 5
cupcake12 wishes
16 years ago
that Kelly would just call and put me out of my misery already!!! (woot)
cupcake12 says
16 years ago
i guess my sis is sane, we got another chinchilla
cupcake12 thinks
16 years ago
her sister is not right in the head if she thinks we're getting another chinchilla
cupcake12 loves
16 years ago
her besties to death!