1Friends 0Fans
female Grosse Pointe, MI, United States
dancer, supernanny, paranoid psychopath, lifesaver mint addict, bad liar, juggles like no on else... haha (told you I was a bad liar), enjoys dumb blonde jokes and crossword puzzles, fan of JabbawocKeeZ, a bit obsessed with Travis Wall...
16 years ago
really hates pilates... but if it's the only thing that's going to get my leg behind my ear, then i guess i gotta do it.
cupcake12 says
16 years ago
"do i dazzle you?" ;-)
16 years ago
doesn't want to do homework
cupcake12 says
16 years ago
violet hill is definitely the best coldplay song
cupcake12 is
16 years ago
extremely sore
cupcake12 will
16 years ago
NOT be a party kid again.
cupcake12 has
16 years ago
been at school all day and is now chewing hubba bubba max
cupcake12 says
16 years ago
"but that was when I ruled the world" viva la vida- coldplay
cupcake12 wishes
16 years ago
the friggin' beeping would stop
cupcake12 is
16 years ago