29Friends 9Fans
female Pangburn, AR, United States
I am a library media specialist in a small rural k-4th grade school. I love to learn new things and share with others. Reading and Shopping are my hobbies.
cwaire says
14 years ago
I was loving Zoodle until I realized that it is a monthly fee.
cwaire says
14 years ago
I am trying to create a story.
cwaire says
14 years ago
love Sundays. It the day that you get to rest.
cwaire says
14 years ago 4
home from the fall TIE conference. I learned so much. I need to decide how to share this information.
cwaire says
14 years ago
plurk friends, I am trying to plurk again. I am trying it on my phone this time.
cwaire says
15 years ago
have a great day and remember you can be someone's hero today.
cwaire says
15 years ago 3
ke1 you are not the only one being the good husband. My sweetie is taking me toward Branson to see the trees.
cwaire says
15 years ago 1
thank God that it's Friday. (dance)
cwaire says
15 years ago 2
I was watching the news and Best Buy has some technology grants for 7-12 grade classes. [email protected]
cwaire says
15 years ago
it was hard to get up with the slow rain.