142Friends 126Fans
male Lawrence, KS, United States
Professional development specialist at the University of Kansas. Senior Program Manager with ALTEC, overseeing the 4Teachers project. Senior Trainer with Intel Teach. Thinkfinity trainer for Kansas. 21st Century Skills consultant for KCKPS
D_Adams is
13 years ago 5
looking for remedial math and literacy interventions for adult learners, preferably based on real-world problem solving. Suggestions?
D_Adams says
13 years ago
Skype users: here's how to remove the EasyBits software that may have been installed without your consent: www.contrapositivediary....
D_Adams shares
13 years ago
Amazing experiment confirms Einstein was right - and develops at least 13 new technologies to do it
D_Adams shares
13 years ago
D_Adams says
13 years ago 1
It is the 20th anniversary of the blog.jmlynch.org/2010/02... Blue Dot photo) from Voyager I. "That’s here. That’s home. That’s us."
D_Adams says
13 years ago 5
trashing expired medications is an interesting afternoon activity. Yikes, 2004? (PS, be sure to dispose of expired meds properly)
D_Adams is
13 years ago
having so much fun with the brain-teaser quizzes on Sporcle.com