7Friends 18Fans
male Lucena, Philippines
.a cOupLe thaT iz vEry UNIQUE fRom thOzse oTher cOupLezs.!

.♥sO mUch inLovE wiTh eAch oTher♥.

.m!cO aNd d!anNeE..

Joey McIntyre - Stay The Same (lyrics)
14 years ago
.sObranG mahaL kiTah moMmy cOh.! :-P ♥daemien#11♥
14 years ago
:-( .shouLd i give up..or shouLd i jusT keep on chasing pavements..haizT:-((. .so sad. :'-(
14 years ago
.donT acT like yOu know me beTter than i know yOu.! .jusT wanT to teLL yOu..im noT an oRdinary persOn.!
daemien_11 hates
14 years ago
those people who are KSP.!! .if yOu don'T have gOod things to do here on EARTH..then i think iT's beTTer if yOu'll jusT GO NOW.!! (angry)
14 years ago
.yOu.! ♥.dAeMiEn#11.♥
14 years ago
_. cOngraTuLaTiOnzs pUwh.!! ..an' gaLeng2 ehH..mahaL nah mahaL qOuh puwh ikaw.!! (dance)
daemien_11 is
14 years ago
_.eXciTed fOr the uPcOminG cOp of thE sAcLi..aNd aLso fOr the 63rd fOundaTion dAy oF mSeuF.. :-P (dance)
daemien_11 is
14 years ago
_. missinG yOu.! :'-(
daemien_11 is
14 years ago
_. sO eXciTed fOr thE vaLenTinEs..hehehe :-P. i wanT to be wiTh YOU.. ♥.dAeMiEn#11.♥ ._ (dance) (cozy) (woot)
daemien_11 is
14 years ago
feeLinG gOod..bEcAuse of yOu.! ♥.dAeMiEn#11.♥ (K)