8Friends 8Fans
In the middle of the journey of our lives, I found myself lost in the dark woods where the straight road had been lost. -- Dante's Inferno

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dan8mac asks
16 years ago
Anyone here have invites for brightkite? Hope to get one. Thx!
dan8mac asks
16 years ago
What's the best (and fastest) bittorrent client for windows? utorrent is not cutting it for me. <sigh>
dan8mac asks
16 years ago
windows, mac or linux?
dan8mac thinks
16 years ago
Early adopters of the new iphone were really screwed $500. Its like buying a new car & depreciated its price once drove out of the showroom.
dan8mac asks
16 years ago
Now that the new iphone's price has been set at $199, would you buy a used 1st gen iphone ebay for $100?
dan8mac thinks
16 years ago
The only lacking thing on the new iphone is video. It would be nice to be able to QIK with it. :'-(
dan8mac loves
16 years ago
iPhone @ $199, HSDPA, GPS, and the coolest cellphone to date. So full of awesomeness and simply hits the sweetspot.
dan8mac is
16 years ago
anxiously waiting for the new iphone news/pics/video
dan8mac is
16 years ago
I really am hoping the new iPhone comes with HSDPA. :-D
dan8mac is
16 years ago
My first post and trying the service. Hope this gives me a better experience than twitter's sorry state right now.