Officially roll-off my current Yunnan project this Fri, but has just been informed I'm staffed on a new case starting next Mon. What a life.
I've got two Pars today in my morning game!
I love golf, but just that its too damn hard to play...
What is with this "happy farm"... Looks like I missed another internet fad~
台北-香港-昆明-楚雄-大理-楚雄-上海-曲靖-麗江-玉溪-上海-紅河-普者黑-紅河-北京-楚雄-麗江-曲靖...@上海!!(Still my favorite city!)
A quiet night in 紅河, good for work and rest
中國人的喝酒文化還是存在的阿... 70度的紅酒也太誇張了...
I love Anthony Bourdain's show!!!