41Friends 28Fans
female Manila, Philippines
WheN U l0vE SuMtHinG Set It fRee, If it c0Mes BacK It's y0uRs, iF It D0eS't it NevEr wAs!! -- And BeInG A TrUe PerS0n Is N0t All Ab0uT WhAt sHe/He G0t, It's All Ab0ut Wh0 ShE/hE Is AnD WhAt ThEy Got!-♥٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎٱu ♥charles♥♀™

fs:[email protected]
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ asks
14 years ago
bkt Summer ang tawag sa Summer?
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
haha kakaadik mglaro ng barn buddy hahah (LOL)
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
condolence to me huhuh :'-(
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
hey guys it's nice to be back!! (LOL)
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
i've never given much thoht of how would i die,,but dying in the place of sum1 i love seems like a good way to go!! ano movie lines yan?
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
hi?/ i'm back again after yesterday hahah!!
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago 5
have u seen the new video of demi lovato song DON"T FORGET?/ diba mganda nmn??
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
haay!! bumaba nnmn karma q!! huhu bwesit tlaga!!
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
good aftie!! all plurkers!!
♥♀™daphne♥♀™ says
15 years ago
bbye na!! para bumaba nlng karma q agad!!