-it starts with Chris getting a video camera for a project for one of his college classes.-
-it is three in the morning, and Chris and Marc have just settled into their hotel. He knew the other was in the same town as they were so..
-everything /hurts/... and yet nothing at all hurts. Lou stumbles down the dark, garden path of one of the slightly foresty areas of the
-Boo idly picks at his fries. He forgot to actually make a lunch for himself, and Charles didn't have enough money to get him a lunch of his
-has never been sucked off, oh god. Moans and tries not to thrust wantonly into Luc's mouth, simply rubs his tongue against Pri and tries to
-Vitt has just discovered the delights of freeze dried icecream. And he sits amidst like.. several empty packets of the stuff as well as a
Your grades have been dropping.
-And suddenly, he's in a wifebeater and a pair of swim trunks. One of the student council