6Friends 3Fans
female AB, Canada
9 years ago
I am so sick of Internet inaccessibility omg I may try a tag or two from my cell phone but this might get disjointed...
9 years ago 4
Hey Marinanova-players - my Internet went down a couple weeks ago (?week and a half) and is supposed to be getting fixed soon so HOPEFULLY I will be getting back into action soon
9 years ago 1
GUESS WHO'S DONE SCHOOL yeah it's me, getting back to tagging right away!
9 years ago
Quick note to people I'm behind tags with - I've got a major school project I need to direct my attentions to so it might be a little bit before I get back into it! Sorry!!
12 years ago 5
MY EXAMS/FINAL PROJECTS ARE ALL DONE so I can get back to tagging woohoo cause for celebration yaaaay
12 years ago 5
To anyone waiting on tags from me, I probably won't be able to get to them until about Tuesday night (December 18th that is) because of school stuff!
12 years ago
to anyone waiting on tags from me, I have a huge essay due tomorrow so I probably won't get to them tonight, sorry!
12 years ago 2
Iiiii should really go to sleep, but first I must tag! ♥
12 years ago 3
Read the last issue of Journey Into Mystery. The good news: I don't have to drop! My interpretation of the character is still valid. :-D
12 years ago
Last issue of JIM comes out tomorrow. CAN BARELY WAIT.