2Friends 1Fans
female Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
dhoraii says
13 years ago
love is like drinking beer....once you have too much of it you begin to act stupid.........LOVE MODERATELY:-D
dhoraii says
13 years ago
ang pag ibig parang tubig....ang dating malinaw lumabo nung may NAKISAWSAW
dhoraii says
13 years ago
the best way to escape reality w/o running is..... to smile even though it is obviously fake.
dhoraii says
13 years ago
there will always be that one girl who's prettier than me, how i wish i got that one guy who doesn't care about it.
dhoraii feels
13 years ago 8
so cold...rrrrrrrr
dhoraii needs
13 years ago 7
snacks....fell hungry... :-(
dhoraii says
13 years ago
bE cArEfULL iN jUdgiNg A pErsON wiTh yOUr Own OpiniOn bEcAUsE SOmtimE jUst likE A bOok, yOU miGhT bE sUrprisEd yOU hAvE thE sAmE cOntEnts.