Back to private games it is for me. As much as I love the premise of some games, I've found I don't work well in the games themselves because of limitations. Its what got me into my first private game.
Welp. Managed to unintentionally make Jackal sound like an overly sensitive douchebag. And he's the one character I didn't want seen that way. Go me. :|
Welp~ Jackal's finally been applied for. People can now breathe a sigh of relief that I have a character that isn't a huge douche that they can talk to. ^^;
giggles I believe my Chinen muse can consider his efforts to be a complete troll successful when he's managing make someone sound like their about to ragequit the internet. XDD
Picking up Jackal as my second character. It'll be good getting the chance to play my bald muse again. He's the oldest out of all my Tenipuri muses, so I'll always have a soft spot for him. ^^