8Friends 5Fans
male San Jose Del Monte, Philippines
No one knows what's BEST or what FUTURE holds.. Until you actually see the results, no one will ever KNOWS...

so at the very least, why don't we rely on what we do know?

Lets keep the feelings we have right now,

right from this very moment..
dwaynekevz says
14 years ago
blah blah blah haha!
dwaynekevz is
14 years ago
dwaynekevz is
14 years ago
going to keep his chin up & smile the best he can, no matter how hard it is. woooh (>.<)
dwaynekevz shares
14 years ago
Bokura Ga Ita Kotoba
14 years ago
slip mode
14 years ago 1
dwaynekevz hates
14 years ago
that some strange idiots think apathetically. 'hope that you're really enjoying the benefit of the doubt.
dwaynekevz says
14 years ago
boku no shinzoo doki doki :-(
dwaynekevz says
14 years ago
goodnyt. lol XD
dwaynekevz says
14 years ago