282Friends 77Fans
female Second life
Mostly dull and a bit down but prone to occasional bursts of wit and cheek of a blushing tirribly British sort, a good listener and an appreciator of fine musics, lovely piccies, spirited amigos and strange senses of humour
7 years ago 1
TV watching tip....don't go straight from the frivolities of Eurovision to the most horrific parts of 12 Years a Slave... #ugh-in-bits....
7 years ago 9
Oh this is just (sorry I'm way too old for what I'm about to say) cringe...I can't chuffing go on listening
7 years ago 3
Despite everything, I just HAD to tune in for the annual Eurovision Plurk takeover and you are not disappointing, people...
7 years ago 3
Gosh darn it, have replied to a plurk, so now compelled to admit I still look in often but, mostly thanks to one person's reactions, I could see no point to keep SL'ing and RL is depressingly abysmal (don't ask...) But thanks, lots of lovely people here I genuinely care about xx
8 years ago 3
Week in (very brief) Son trying hard but still troubled at school, trainer of new job reminds me muchly of Dolores Umbridge, managed to save squirrel being mauled to death by usually adorable cat by
8 years ago 10
I know it's been ages...but things are particularly tough at the moment...and I feel particularly drained today...after a fairly good Year 3 at school, Elfling is currently really struggling, rebelling and
9 years ago 9
I'm sorry for tagging you again bitchisFIERCE but your shoe plurk encouraged me to tell my "good deed of the day" story- saw a bumblebee sprawled on the ground seemingly barely alive, so scooped it up
Elfers says
9 years ago 1
Scrabblesque rappage.... "You think you're so clever cos you always play QIS, but double JO on triple letter J- that's one to me" (dedicated to bitchisFIERCE cos Jo'ness & sounds good in Scottish accent)
Elfers says
9 years ago
in which I boldly re-enact on Vocaroo my recent entertainment by the local felines.....Vocaroo | Voice message
Elfers says
9 years ago 1
Please laugh but ooh get me catching up to the modern age...public wifi'ing for 1st time & enjoying delish free coffee from phone app...#livinontheedge