5Friends 7Fans
male Sacramento, California, United States
3 months ago 2
[miniature painting]
Aiming to make my players poop their pants this weekend...
3 months ago 5

My poor, conflicted cleric has been having a rough time lately... at least he got to play superhero for the night.
4 months ago 13
Roleplay Choice Question...

Let's say you're a cleric in a post-renaissance, early industrial, but still high-magic campaign. You've just been hit with a whammy that the god you worship is fundamentally different than everything you've ever known, and frankly, you're kind of done with it all...
4 months ago 2
5 months ago 4
There's a new set of Magic: The Gathering coming out, that seems like it's tailor-made for sagesaria 's plan for a "wee critters" rpg setting. :-D
7 months ago 5
[health] well, I feel miserable
8 months ago 4
Deity concept: The Doubted.

Even the core pantheon of the universe is loathe to even consider the possibility of their existence, let alone power. A god derives their potency from the believe and worship of their faithful; how could something divine persist if their domain is exclusively disbelief?
8 months ago 5
Of course, all my PC's worst fears coming at once...
8 months ago 2
Need to visually design some NPCs for a module I'm running for a live group, and don't have appropriate tokens for...
8 months ago
As I remember fonder times,
And how things came to be...
I wonder now, in auld lang syne,
Just whom looks back on me.

I'm not someone others have sought;
But rather, left behind.
An old acquaintance, oft forgot...
And never brought to mind.