pet peeve... chapters that are too long or way different than the others in length.
My son..What does that private property sign mean?
Me...If you park there you get towed.
Son...O.O Where do they get all the toads?
In his head towed=a mass of toads falling on you. hehe
okay... I have a neck cramp from playing plants vs. zombies from a sideways chair. ugga. I don't even really enjoy that game. it was trying to be my 'downtime', not 'wake up with a sore neck time'
Don't u hate it when u go on errands only to realize when u get home...u wore ur pants wrong size out -.-
Funny how when you have plans, the bus is always late.
I want to go on some grand trip too. Seems like everyone is.
in bed. exhausted from tdys event. zzzzzz
on the road to San Mateo County Fair. geez... it's hot! glad lit stage is in a/c building! come see us! 1-6. I'll be the one with pink hair.
lazing in bed is so luxurious. it's a shame to get up.
cutting a story down AGAIN. It was 8000, I cut it to 6000, then 5407, now... 5000. It's amazing it's the same tale. Authors must learn this skill...but it sucks.