España! GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nigel de Jong使出"秘.致命飛踢!" Xabi Alonso腹部中腳瞬間被KO出場!!
保羅章魚神要是自己能夠下注, 應該已經成為章魚界的首富了..., 能不能完封2010世界盃就看這場了
原來"食色, 性也."這句話是"告子"說的..., 到底是誰一直誣賴成孔老夫子說的..., 害我誤會了幾十年..., 唉... 汗顏, 汗顏..., 淺薄, 淺薄...
Mathematics is just the method and language we use to try to interpret this universe.
"God wrote down the equation, then went for the vacation." by Eric C.Y. Liao
生日的這個周末, 連續打了兩天的籃球, 換來的就是一身肌肉痠痛... 唉, 一把老骨頭...
Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.
Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men.