13Friends 14Fans
female Tanjong Tokong, Malaysia
erinching says
15 years ago 4
i think i shall move on to tweeting! None of this karma business.
erinching says
15 years ago
are less and less people plurking now?
erinching says
15 years ago 10
aah can't wait for the weekend!
erinching says
15 years ago
I'm online but nobody else is. :-(
erinching says
15 years ago 5
okay gonna plurk something non-related to singapore. ---I wanna watch New Moon!
erinching says
15 years ago
i realize that all my plurks revolve around singapore. :-(:-(
erinching says
15 years ago
2nd week in Nanyang. How am i gonna survive??
erinching says
15 years ago 1
yesh I am onlining in school. Too bad can't get facebook cuz it's banned. :-(
erinching says
15 years ago 3
31 days in Singapore. 1 month baby!
erinching says
15 years ago 8
last day in McNair!