72Friends 67Fans
female Second life
fallingwater shares
13 years ago 17
New shoes at Shiny Things https://images.plurk.com/0c66db9f955324aa45707c7207e1a0df.jpg
fallingwater shares
14 years ago 11
new shoes https://images.plurk.com/5863796_7c36d9832dd779a9ce9cdaed073c24de.jpg
fallingwater shares
14 years ago 16
fallingwater shares
14 years ago 19
https://images.plurk.com/5863796_ae117b859831f1c294af4d45ef6c5838.jpg New boots at shiny things
14 years ago 8
just logged in and out 25 times to test a viewer bug.
14 years ago 1
It feels good to clear old stuff out of my shop.
fallingwater asks
14 years ago 32
How do people feel about single piece boots that attach to lower leg, instead of 2 piece boots for foot and lower leg?
fallingwater is
14 years ago 15
tired. will send out review copies soon.
14 years ago 35
I want to update my list of bloggers for sending review copies. Anyone who wants to be added can let me know here or in world.