39Friends 57Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan

【Florence 弗羅侖司】florenceko.me/
Florence shares
11 years ago
[停噗文] 用了3年多了噗浪,由於大多數的朋友都有其他社交網站帳號,為了減少維護多個帳號的麻煩,所以今日開始啟動假期模式、並停止發噗文。
11 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/fqFM-75zVX7AKocWsyacenMMWFg.jpg This Gukeng coffee tastes much better than I expected by dripping. Surprise of today!
Florence shares
11 years ago
新貨到:生態綠的公平交易咖啡豆!New arrival: Fair trade coffee beans from Okogreen! Yes! https://images.plurk.com/1dEImvTOEwAmKEE0JOOhbO.jpg
Florence shares
11 years ago
What interests me a lot is not this song itself, but the whole combination of PSY+Gangnan Style+the dance. 【HD繁中字】120715 PSY - GANGNAM STYLE ( 江南 Style ) @ Comeback Stage【HD繁中字】120715 PSY - GANGNAM STYLE ( 江南 Style ) @ Com...
Florence shares
11 years ago
介紹AGPL-3.0授權條款的新文章:「因應網路時代與雲端應用而生的 AGPL-3.0 授權條款
12 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/fqFM-6V3xBkQ4LPKtLzbOiV2Y1t.jpg 咖哩先生的不定期私房菜『蒸牛肉』,讚!
Florence shares
12 years ago
雖然不全部認同其中觀點,但在台灣當前封閉、負面的主流文化下,這是篇非常好的佳文:翻滾吧! 勇氣
Florence shares
12 years ago
These out-of-order phenomenons in FOSS world are sometimes so interesting ! XD
Florence shares
12 years ago
很喜歡藍心湄這首「Say Yeah」,若是MV再多些故事元素在裡面的話就更好了! 藍心湄【Say Yeah】說讚 MV [官方HD版]藍心湄【Say Yeah】說讚 MV [官方HD版]
Florence shares
12 years ago 2