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United States
hello my name is waya!

( XENOSAGA ) that annual urge to play nigredo somewhere
1 years ago 2 @Edit 1 years ago
( WORK ) Rock Dude™️ strikes again!
( IRL ) you ever have one of those moments you realize you may be too intense for some people, bc you're genuinely a feral bitch? off to a late lunch with a friend and to the dylan hollis book signing!
( rp ) i feel like doing a meme or a psl. anyone interested?
ah, the struggles of being a night shift-worker. i am awake while everyone else is asleep
( rp ) getting back into the swing of things. debating doing some memes since i have a small vacay rn killer tofu doesn't understand personal space at all
dusts this off. yo yo yo testing 1 2 3
( music ) bruh i forgot rankka dropped this last month

RANKKA (Feat. Öi) - Satisfaction (Official Video)