29Friends 11Fans
female Walnut Ridge, AR, United States
I teach in the Teacher Education Department at a private college. I taught middle school science for 14 years and love teaching! Now, I teach Ed Tech, Tech Integration, Science for Teachers, Field Exp., and Methods for Pre-service teachers.
froggyteacher is
13 years ago 1
teaching "Using Tech to Meet Multiple Intelligences" next week at NEA Co-op. How do you use tech to meet needs of kinesthetic learners?
13 years ago
At Tammy Worcester's Favorite Top 20 Tools Pres at ISTE 2011!
froggyteacher wonders
13 years ago
what is your favorite education app? :-D
froggyteacher is
13 years ago
presenting "Wiki Magic" at NEA Co-op today! Can't wait to meet this great group of teachers.
froggyteacher is
13 years ago 10
looking for a funny video about technology to open tomorrow's workshop. Any ideas?
froggyteacher says
13 years ago 5
Teaching wikis tomorrow at NEA Coop. Looking for examples on student made wikis.
froggyteacher is
13 years ago
playing with my new iPad! Fun!
13 years ago
Looking for ideas: how can high school math/science teachers use iPad in classroom?
froggyteacher says
14 years ago
Thanks for all the great tips shared today. Plurk friends are the best! :-D
froggyteacher says
14 years ago
while jumpdrive was in USB, it got hit and is now bent. Files now have strange characters rather than file names. Any way to recover files?