42Friends 39Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
geekygirldawn has
16 years ago 4
social website fatigue :-&
geekygirldawn likes
16 years ago
the fancy new emoticons (p_yupi)
geekygirldawn asks
16 years ago 4
if anyone has a tool to let me send my twitter posts to plurk? (p_unsure)
geekygirldawn loves
16 years ago
that Plurk already fixed the RSS bug that I mentioned earlier :-D
geekygirldawn asks
16 years ago 2
how long will it take for someone to integrate this with Twitter?
geekygirldawn thinks
16 years ago
whurley might be addicted to plurk ;-)
16 years ago
wonders whether this timeline view would scale to large numbers of friends
geekygirldawn is
16 years ago
noticing that my rss feed for Plurk is completely mangled (attributes others posts to me), which makes rss unusable (fix please?) :'-(
geekygirldawn wants
16 years ago
to figure out how Plurk uses the verb drop down & emoticon choices (sorting, visual mapping, etc.)