8Friends 74Fans
female Sacramento, CA, United States
GEEorgeous wants
15 years ago 2
a PINK MACBOOK for Christmas =) :-)
GEEorgeous wants
15 years ago 5
a pink macbook (woot)
GEEorgeous loves
15 years ago 2
mcdonald's new angus mushroom swiss burger! 3pounder angus beef with mushroom and cheese plus crispy fries = BURP!
GEEorgeous is
15 years ago
having dimsum for merienda :-)
GEEorgeous says
15 years ago 1
plurk is also in the app store! yey! adik hahaha
GEEorgeous shares
15 years ago 1
NO DOUBT IN SACRAMENTO!!! No Doubt Sacramento
GEEorgeous is
15 years ago 1
cleaning out her closet. So many stuffs unused and forgotten, most of them are still in their shopping bags! :-o
GEEorgeous says
15 years ago 1
on our way to NO DOUBT CONCERT! yeah!!!
GEEorgeous says
15 years ago
yum ice cream sandwich!