56Friends 6Fans
female Grand Forks, ND, United States
1 years ago 137 @Edit 1 years ago
giveaway is now closed! ❤️
3 years ago 88 @Edit 3 years ago
thanks for all the help everyone. she ended up in second place. ❤️
it's beginning to look a lot like a christmas giveaway!! details within.
6 years ago 167 @Edit 6 years ago
take two... this time, hopefully public! i am giving away some points in honor of the new year, 1 set of 250 (6mo pp), 2 sets of 60 (2mo paid) and 2 sets of 30 (1mo paid)! only one stipulation, please see inside. eta: i will draw names after the new year!
I'm cleaning out my nail polish bucket so I am hoping to have a giveaway. Peek in here if you might be inclined, there will be some basic info too!
it's been nice knowing you, goplayzelda. I say, like I'm not still goplayzelda in most places. I'm officially over at meowed if you wanna add me!

Happy New Year from rosa doga and her peach!
meme. what canons should I get into and characters should I consider in 2017? I mean it, all suggestions welcome.
gonna try & hit some tags. maybe commentary and stuff in here.