22Friends 52Fans
male San Antonio, TX, United States
early adopter, tech nerd, music nerd (not music snob), i loves me some bicyclin'!, artist, googler, navigator, map geek, getaway driver, etc.
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
scraping up linoleum tile is a pain, but the new floor is gonna look so nice!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
I shoulda been asleep 2 hours ago!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
approximately 27 hours until we become homeowners! ZOMG! exciting terrifying
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
in the plane @ Newark, bout to power down & take off!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
hipsters could afford something better than PBR if they didn't shop at American apparel!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
I'm an idiot and left our Guggenheim passes in Brooklyn! I guess we'll explore central park
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
the Jim beam girls here at the bar bought my drink & gave me a T-shirt!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
I think we're gonna walk across the Brooklyn bridge after we head outta Chinatown.
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
hotel search sites frustrate me
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
we've got power, but guess who might have a blown power supply on his PC?