male San Antonio, TX, United States early adopter, tech nerd, music nerd (not music snob), i loves me some bicyclin'!, artist, googler, navigator, map geek, getaway driver, etc.
who waits until almost 5 pm to add tables to the floor for Valentine's day service? my boss!
tonight I unsubscribed from 40 mailing lists & deleted accounts from 5 web services!
I've heard today's Beatles mix playlist about 4 times now. geeeeeez!
last 2 tables before I can leave. they were sat just before I was cut OVER 90 MINUTES AGO!
law & order marathon beats sports events every time
successful first night on my own at the pizzeria!
woohoo! first night taking tables on my own!
I called "Twilight" a trainwreck of bad acting & bad storytelling. coworker gave me the stinkeye.
if Tara Reid had a hipster younger sister who used the morning after pill like a vitamin supplement, I found her on the train today!
on the train, about to head to Killeen to see my sister