22Friends 52Fans
male San Antonio, TX, United States
early adopter, tech nerd, music nerd (not music snob), i loves me some bicyclin'!, artist, googler, navigator, map geek, getaway driver, etc.
grizlybexar says
12 years ago
I love being able to walk to the grocery store, even when the wind is howling!
grizlybexar says
12 years ago
visiting SA was fun, but I'm glad to be back home!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
on my way to my 1st NHL game! stars vs flyers. go stars!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
apple of the day: Jazz. Tasty, crunchy, sweet, a bit of tartness. rivals the honeycrisp! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
a Cincinnati original, just like Noah Warman! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
today's apple: Fortune. a cross of Schoharie Spy & Empire. thin skin, great crunch! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
how sad, my Saturday night feels like a Tuesday
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
today's apple: Opal. this super crunchy fruit is a cross between golden delicious & topaz varieties. Yum! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
just crawling into bed... in other words, I'm almost back to my normal schedule!
grizlybexar says
13 years ago
new mattress was delivered 30 minutes early. luckily, the cat started waking me up an hour before that!