New place to live (and a strong sense of deja vu) acquired. As excited as I can be, given the circumstances.
Whoa, my old sushi haunt has totally changed! Still same chef though, so I'm hopeful.
The problem with review sites is that they give crazy people who are nothing like me a powerful voice.
17 hours later, exactly, and finally seem to be ahead of where we were when I started. Woot?
I know that, compared to my co-workers, I have nothing to complain about. Yet, I feel the need to say: f--k this day. Right in the ear.
I forget every year just how damn long this drive really is. ~100 miles to go.
Of all the towns in the world, I planned to shop in the one where people were shot & killed while shopping this morning. CANCELLED.
Happy Turkey Day, Internet! Stay safe, dry, and happy! Not nec. in that order.
Traffic added about an hour but still at our stopping point for the night at an entirely reasonable time. Good night from Visalia!
Let the vacation... and the ridiculous holiday eating... BEGIN!