packing up my things... getting ready for my Life's new chapter... very dramatic kung iisipin, but i just reaLized it reaLLy does happen...
just got an apartment near my workpLAce... and it's gonna be professionaL Life on monday... is it a "huhuhu" or a "hey hey hey"?!?! IDK!
his first weekend as a CPA!
CPAR seems to be a ghost town today... the areas you expect to be crowded ay niLaLangaw... 10 more days before preweek...
"gi-greet daw qg beLated happy birthday ni sir vaLix ganina, pero nag-CR ko... pagka-sayang!!!"
"thank you sa mga nagreet sakin nung birthday ko... and sorry for the Late response! been busy LateLy..."
"so, i've made my decision: gonna watch harry potter on iMax Later... yet, i stiLL dream of going to LA today to watch idoL on tour, hmp!"
: "weekend was just a snap! i didn't even feel a bit of it... and now, another week of review... yet, still so much to catch up... whew!!!"
"i stiLL can't recover from yesterday's wonderfuL moment when I held sir christian vaLix' hand!!!" hahahaha