11Friends 18Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
hiiwater says
13 years ago
沒有什麼事可以把我打敗!!!!! keep fighting!!! :-))
hiiwater says
13 years ago
有一種突然間從幼稚變歷練的感覺~ 人生的風景真的是高潮迭起!
hiiwater says
13 years ago 1
明知道考試將近 為何就是不想念書??
hiiwater shares
13 years ago
www.sassisamblog.com/201... 這件事真是太妙了~~ Karl Lagerfeld也要來賣可樂!! 到時候一定要捧場的壓~~~ :-P
hiiwater says
13 years ago
I am not the BEST but I want to be better and better~
hiiwater says
13 years ago
Had a great party tonight @ Dean's house
hiiwater says
13 years ago
Thanks to those people who make my life full of challenges and I will learn from it! Cheers,
hiiwater says
13 years ago
凌晨四點鐘 已經連續在學校17小時沒離開過了.... 是大學翹太多課 現在要還嗎??
hiiwater says
13 years ago
剛剛確認了一下同組大家的進度,明早08:45 deadline... 或許又得待在這裡做完直接HAND IN :-( 我真的很想回家睡覺
hiiwater says
13 years ago
一口氣噗這麼多,感覺我怨念很深~~ :-P 沒辦法 實在是太想講講話了...但沒人可以跟我講國語,抱怨的時候還是要用母語才有fu~~ Taiwanese Rocks!