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male Olongapo City, Philippines
i am religious and faithful...
Faithful to God!!!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
All thing are possible with God
Renegade Five - Love Will Remain (Whole Song)
11 years ago
If we’ve been blessed with riches,
We must be rich in deeds;
God wants us to be generous
In meeting others’ needs. — Sper
11 years ago
Your mercy, Lord, how great it is To overrule our sin! So help us know Your righteousness And choose to walk therein. — D. De Haan
11 years ago
We can be young in heart and mind,
To others we can yet be kind,
Sing songs of praise to God through tears,
And grow in grace through all
our years. —Zimmerman
11 years ago
Open your Bible prayerfully, read it carefully, and obey it joyfully.
11 years ago
All wrongs will one day be set right
By God who sees both bad and good;
All motives and all deeds will then
Be fairly judged and understood.
— D. De Haan
11 years ago
Lord, we’re thankful for this example of motherhood.
But even more, we’re grateful for
Your faithful “mothering” of us displayed in
Your compassion day by day.
Help us to find rest in You. Amen.
11 years ago
Love is giving for the world’s needs,
Love is sharing as the Spirit leads,
Love is caring when the world cries,
Love is compassion with Christlike eyes.— Brandt
11 years ago
Don’t judge too quickly what you see;
Treat lightly first impression;
Misunderstandings multiply
Without right information. — Sper
11 years ago
Any hour when helping others,
Or when bearing heavy care,
Is the time to call our Father,
It’s the proper time for prayer. —Zimmerman
11 years ago
Father,our days are filled with pleasures and struggles.We would like for life just to have the joys,but we know thats not realistic in this sinful world.Help us to wait
patiently for You to bring us Home.Amen.