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female Dallas, United States
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
I've been trying to get my grades up for months. I'm not failing or anything, but it wouldn't hurt to have all As. I was almost there, but my some of my grades dropped to the 80s..
hot__sauce loves
5 years ago
I just found this song and it SLAPS: a conversation about identity

5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
I overslept this morning.. it's currently 08:09, and class starts at 07:50. I don't even have a ride to school other than the bus, and my boyfriend is at school, so he can't take me. not only am I missing valuable class time; I was also looking forward to seeing my boyfriend today.
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
a day without him feels like a million years in hell. he's my only motivation to show up at this shit show the government calls a school. but he's sick, so I was forced to spend the day without my sunshine.